A connected world needs more than a network of computers and gadgets. It needs a technology-enabled, confidently mindful, and compassionate digitally aware community of lifelong learners.
Information and Communication Technology is the essential of living in the modern society, where many people depend their daily lives on. Information  and  Communications  Technology  (ICT)  -   is  an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing:  radio,  television,  cellular  phones,  computer  and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the  various  services  and  applications  associated  with  them,  such  as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries. The term is somewhat more common outside of the United States. It may also be defined as,  Information and Communication Technologies (ICT  or  ICTs)  are  digital  forms  of  communication  including  tools available  on  the  Internet,  such  as  blogging  and  email,  as  well  as computer software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Word.

Technology made the world connected, not physically but mentally and emotionally, through improving. These past decades many improvements in the technology occurred, experts made some methods to make it easier for the netizens to make use of technology. And also, they created ways for the disabled netizens to have an access to technology. In the modern society we’re currently living in, technology is an essential in doing government works, business, etc. This made the office works a lot easier than before and has been very productive through the years. Many businesses were rapidly growing through the widely used advertisements in the web.

Technology made a big impact in my life as an individual because it has given me the opportunity to freely express myself through social media (twitter, facebook, instagram, etc.) and it has been an all-important to boost my confidence by the positive response of other people. But on the contrary, many people abuse social media through cyberbullying. Which has been one of the most severe case faced by the netizens in the present. But many techniques these days where developed to catch the cyberbullies and prevent the netizens from suffering because of cyberbullies.

            I’m a student from the academic strand, Science, Technology, Enginnering, and Mathematics (STEM). ICT has been playing a big role in my studies because through it I’ve been able to research about the lessons, assignments, etc. and it also helped me in communicating with my fellow students about school affairs. It also takes part in making my projects (Microsoft Word), reports (Microsoft PowerPoint), collecting some data for research purposes (Microsoft Excel), etc.

            In the present-day, where in many people engage in social media, we alot many hours just to scan the web. This is when online platforms cover a wide range of activities including online advertising platforms, search engines, social media and creative content outlets, application distribution platforms, communications services, payment systems, and platforms for the collaborative economy. Internet act as a collaboration platform as you can send and receive messages, emails and you can also chat with one another person. You can also make online calls and video conferencing with other fellows. Online Platform which refers to a base configuration which is programmed and is anchored to run a specific software or an application. So that you and your friends collaborate with each other while you may be at one corner of the world and your friend may be in other corner of the world. There are different kinds of online platforms but it has the same goal of growing as an individual.

            The Facebook Platform is a set of application programming interfaces (API) and tools provided by Facebook to third-party developers, allowing them to create applications to interact with core Facebook features. Thousands of applications have been developed on the Facebook Platform since its introduction in 2007, providing Facebook users with broad integration between Facebook and the other applications and websites they use.
Facebook allows you to create not only personal accounts but also pages and groups where you can share content.The only downside of this is that you restricted to the Facebook's "one-size-fits-all" design. It is the biggest social network of students, and is gaining ground among professionals too. Facebook application enables you to add new ways for users to interact with each other. On the plus side,Facebook has a lot of users. 

            LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally. It is another example of social networking site   where  its focus is on business and professional networking.
            Therefore, The purpose of Online Platform is that it is the world’s first open source, multilingual online tool for creating social change. The Purpose Platform is built by and for activists—and it’s available for everyone, everywhere. However, due to the modern technologies, online platforms is merging together in order to form a multiple functions which could be useful for the users and maximize the potential use of the web and is just a part of learning ICT.

Yuvienco, J. (2016). Empowerment Technologies. Ground Floor Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600:DepEd.


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