The Impact of ICT in My Life

Information and Communication Technology enables us to live an easy life. Wherein by the help of modern technology, we the netizens can easily connect to the people we want to be connected with. But there are many instances where a connected world needs more than a network of computers and gadgets. On top of these, we need a technology-enabled, confidently mindful, and compassionate digitally aware community of lifelong learners. 

We should possess a technology wherein we can be confidently make use of it for us without interruptions and a better quality of  technology to accept important transactions with the people we meet. For us to make use of the technology to improve the community we’re living in and also to make use of it for us to have a tight bond with the people in the community we belong to. To have better quality of life through the use of modern technology that makes the tough things a lot more easier than before like communicating with the people we would like to have transaction with, transporting the products to the different parts of the world was made easier by the technology where in just a single click in your computer you’ll be able to transport it without worrying much. 

But just like others, there are some instances that it also has disadvantages or barriers in technology like in the case here in the Philippines, we have a very slow internet connection wherein many business’ we’re affected like internet cafe's, online shops, etc. in which many establishments that were dependent to the internet were having a breakdown wherein they ended up closing their business’. An also to the people being addicted to internet wherein many people are consuming many hours in scanning the internet without any prior reason. Wherein this results to a waste instead of having it productive. 

Since I’m in the academic strand, Information and Communication Technology is a definite way to research about the lessons, assignments, etc. in which I can hardly do it without ICT. Technology plays a big role in my studies and also to other people. 
We should make use of the technology to be a better person instead of wasting it to things unnecessary.


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