The Online Platforms

In the modern society, where many people engage in social media we alot many hours to scan the web. This is when online platforms cover a wide range of activities including online advertising platforms, search engines, social media and creative content outlets, application distribution platforms, communications services, payment systems, and platforms for the collaborative economy. 

Internet act as a collaboration platform as you can send and receive messages, emails and you can also chat with one another person. You can also make online calls and video conferencing with other fellows. So that you and your friends collaborate with each other while you may be at one corner of the world and your friend may be in other corner of the world.

It’s important to start by building your fanbase on Facebook. Publicize your page and post a link to it anywhere you can, including adding a social icon onto your website. Once you’ve created a strong following it's important to use status updates or photos to share your products, offers, services. You should also post things that get your audience to engage with your posts. Things that they will click, “like,” comment on, and share. The more people are engaging, the more frequently you’ll appear in others timelines. It’s important to keep in mind that many use Facebook as a personal network to connect with their friends or loved ones. Your brand needs to fit into this atmosphere naturally in order to keep people interested in what you’re posting. So don’t make it solely about selling.

Twitter generates over 175 million tweets daily and allows you to share quick pieces of information and photos in an effort to drive people back to your site or landing pages. The use of quotes, statistics, or questions related to the link you’re tweeting as a way to people wanting to read more. Incorporate photos, polls, gifs, or even short videos. While Twitter is a great way to share quick thoughts and generate traffic to your website and offers, it’s important to make sure you’re also building relationships with followers. People follow you because they like what you have to say, but often also to engage in conversation. Like you would on Facebook, ask and respond to questions, respond to mentions and direct messages. Twitter is as useful for driving traffic as it is for customer service.

There are many types of online platforms for us to be able to: communicate with others (Messenger,Kakaotalk, Skype, etc.); express our feelings and thoughts (Twitter, Tumblr, Blogspot, etc.); show different things we can do (Youtube, Facebook, etc.); have fun (DOTA, LOL, COC, etc.); and have our own identity as an individual without stepping on others (Instagram, Facebook, etc.).

Different kinds of online platforms were made not to create a gap between what’s reality and not, its purpose is for us to live our lives to the best we can. Online platforms were made to capture moments in our lives wherein we create happy moments and even the sad ones.



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